Alexandria VA Dentist | 3 Eco Friendly Oral Care Tips

Your oral health is important to you. But taking care of your smile is just as important as taking care of the planet. With these three easy to use tips, there’s a way you can do both at the same time.

Alexandria VA Dentist | 3 Eco Friendly Oral Care Tips

Keep an eye on your water usage

It may seem obvious, and even common knowledge. But reducing the amount of water you use while brushing can truly make a significant difference. If you turn the water off while your brushing, you could potentially save up to 8 gallons of water a day. That’s over 200 gallons a month per person in your home. If you have children, teaching them these habits early will set them up for a sustainable lifestyle.


Choose your toothbrush wisely

When it comes to eco friendly toothbrushes, you have a lot of options. There are brushes made out of recycled plastic or aluminum. There are also biodegradable toothbrushes made out of wood. There’s even an electric toothbrush out there that only requires a one hour charge every six months. With so many great options available to you, it should be easy to find one that works for you. Make sure you do your research.



Your oral health care routine probably uses more than just a toothbrush and water. You can find green toothpaste options at every major store. If you have bottles of mouthwash, plastic containers to hold floss, or other plastic materials, make sure you recycle them properly. If you’re unsure of whether some of your containers are recyclable, you can ask your local recycling center and they’ll provide you with the information. This can go a long way in keeping your plastic out of places it shouldn’t be.


More dentists than ever are practicing eco-friendly dentistry. Surprisingly, some of them may not even be aware that they are doing so. These environmentally conscious dentists use digital x-rays and patient records. They could also use sustainable dental materials while avoiding adding hazardous substances to wastewater.


Keep yourself, and the planet smiling by thinking green. Schedule your next appointment by contacting our office today.

Alexandria VA Periodontist | Protect Your Liver, Remember to Floss

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), the incidence of liver cancer in the United States has more than tripled since 1980. The ASCO lists it as the fifth most common cause of cancer death for men. Now, evidence suggests that poor oral health may increase your risk of developing this cancer.

Alexandria VA Periodontist | Can Extra Sun Boost Your Oral Health?

The exacerbating effects of unhealthy mouths on a large number of conditions, including heart disease and diabetes, is well documented. Reaffirming this fact, a large scale study done in the United Kingdom found that those who reported having poor oral health (sore and bleeding gums, loose teeth) had a 75% higher risk of developing liver cancer than those who did not.


Conducted by Haydee Jordao, the study analyzed the effects of oral health on several cancers of the digestive system including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, and of course, the liver. They found no link between oral health and overall risk of gastrointestinal cancer.


However, when they examined cancers of specific organs, they found a strong correlation in the liver. Why this may be the case, the researchers were still unsure. One possible explanation is that the liver is responsible for eliminating bacteria from the body. It could be that when diseases such as cancer strike the liver, they impair its function. Another reason could be that decreased oral health is usually accompanied by decreases in quality nutrition, leading to obesity and other health concerns that put stress on the body.


Your oral health is incredibly important to us, and it should be to you as well. Contact our office and schedule your next appointment today. It might just save your life.

Alexandria VA Periodontist | Can Extra Sun Boost Your Oral Health?

A sunny day can make it seem like the whole world is smiling. But it turns out that all that extra sun could be doing wonders for your gum health too. How? We’re glad you asked.

Alexandria VA Periodontist | Can Extra Sun Boost Your Oral Health?

Most of us get the majority of our vitamin D directly from the sun. Despite this, nearly one billion people around the world are vitamin D deficient. In addition to keeping bones and teeth healthy, vitamin D is critical to supporting a healthy immune system, making it extremely important to our overall health. When your immune system is weakened, it leaves you vulnerable to a wide array of health issues, including gum disease. Gum disease comes from a swelling or soreness of the gum tissue and can cause loose teeth, painful gums and even tooth loss.


Getting an extra helping of sunshine could help make a tangible difference in your immune health. While it can’t and shouldn’t replace your daily oral health routine, that extra bit of sun could help keep your gums happy and healthy. And the best part? It’s completely free.


So as you’re enjoying some outdoor fun, rest easy knowing that you are doing something great for your oral and overall health. Keep gum disease at bay and contact our office to schedule your next appointment.


Alexandria VA Periodontist | 3 Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Our experienced dental team wants to remind you that no matter how busy life gets, your oral health and wellness are equally as important. With that in mind, here are three easy tips to keep you out of the dentist’s chair and enjoying your life with beautiful teeth and gums.

Alexandria VA Periodontist | 3 Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums

  1. Moderation is Everything

The world is full of delicious food that we can’t wait to try. Unfortunately, some of that food can negatively impact your teeth and gums. Sugary drinks, such as lemonade, sweet tea, soda and alcoholic beverages have acids and sugars that can soften tooth enamel. Foods like corn on the cob and bone in meats not only stick in between teeth, but can also cause injury. Make sure to keep some floss handy. While it’s no fun to try and avoid all the sweets, neither is a painful toothache, so remember to limit your consumption of sugar.


  1. Your Teeth Should Not Be Used as a Bottle Opener

We’ve all seen someone try it, or maybe done it ourselves. You struggle to open a bottle and in your haste to get back to the festivities, you use your teeth. But teeth aren’t meant for this purpose. This can leave you with a painful, broken tooth. While it may seem like a quick and easy solution, take a few seconds and reconsider. Your teeth are precious, don’t treat them like a tool.


  1. Safety First

According to the American Dental Association, more than 200,000 oral injuries are prevented each year by wearing a mouth guard. Whether you’re a professional athlete, or play recreationally, it’s important to remember the proper mouth protection to make sure you keep your teeth.


The best thing you can do for your oral health is to stick to your normal oral hygiene routine. Brush at least twice a day, floss daily, and be sure to schedule your next appointment with us to keep your teeth and gums healthy for all that life has to offer.